Analysis of Potential Years of Life Lost from Cancer in Asturias and Spain


  • Mª Olivo Del Valle Gómez
  • Mª Luisa López González
  • Pedro Ignacio Arcos González
  • Antonio Cueto Espinar


Background: Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) constitute a health indicator, used to study premature mortality. If applied, it produces an order in causes of death, which can be very different from that one, obtained with mortality rates. Methods: Mortality, due to different pathologies, was analyzed with this indicator and, particularly, mortality due to cancer in Asturias and Spain. The estimation of (PYLL) was made using fixed age limits: the frrst anniversary, as the lowest limit, and 65 years, as the highest limit. Results: Cancer happened to be the first cause of (PYLL) in both populations (286,473 PYLL in Spain; out of them 9,985 belonging to Asturias); road accidents were the second cause (139,673 and 4,755 respectively) and acute myocardium infarcts were the third cause (70,106 PYLL and 2,897 PYLL). Lung tumours, leucaemias and breast cancer in women are the malignant tumours which produce the highest number of PYLL. Conclusions: Malignant tumours, rad accidentes and ischaemic heart disease are the three major causes reponsible for the PYLL production in Spain and Asturias. These three pathologies are associated to well known risk factors, whose disappearance would considerabily reduce early mortality. Likewise, an excess of premature mortality is observed in Asturias compared with Spain, and in men compared with women.



