Educational and Health Dimensions of Health Education at School: a Participative Total Experience in Two Health Ams of Murcia


  • Antonio Sánchez Moreno
  • Virtudes Sánchez Estévez
  • Juan Cánovas Valverde
  • María Luisa Barceló Aparicio
  • Pedro Marset Campos


Background: The results of and experience on School Health Education during two years and in two health mas, which intends to promote solid contacts between all people interested in carrying out activities included in daily work, and, this way, to improve the schoolchildrcn habits are shown. Method: The activity is situated in the Investigation Action paradigm. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used in the process and product evaluation. Results: The programme has had an statistically significant effect on the habits consideted to be of interest (dental hygiene and physical exercise) and no effects on those habits on which no work was done. There have been 13 Educational Centers, 2 Health Centers and the Faculty of Medicine Sociosanitary Sciences Department. Collaboration, among al1 interested people, has been increasing, although there have been found difficulties and giving up. Conclusions: Our opinion is that the role to be played by the Health Councils and the School Councils is essential to develop the recent ministerial dispositions on the matter, within the scope of health areas.



