Quality Evaluation and Improvement of Practica1 Training in Primary Health Care Performed at Health Centers in Murcia
Background: To describe the Public Health in Primary Health Care practice for medical students Program objectives, quality of training evaluation method and implementation results. Methods: 6 learning objectives were designed and training implemented in 3 Health Centers in the 90-91 academic course. Evaluation included the objcctives level of difficulty. and homogeneity in achievement rates between objectives. within Centres and between Centres. Evaluation results were analyzed and used to design changes to increase homogeneity and achievement rates. Same evaluation was performed in the 9l-92 academic course to docurnent improvement. Results: In the first evaluation thefe were highly significant differences in overall ( p,<0,00005) and by objectives (p, >0,01) achievement rates between centers. Within centres between objectives difficulty was not homogeneous either (p,>0,001). After implementating remedial actions, differences in difficlty and achievement rates within and between centres decreased. Increased homogeneity affected mostly to two previonsly less homogeneous objectives. Conclusions: Quality assurance methods can be succesfully applied to improve training of clearly defined and quantified Primary Health Care leaming objectives.Downloads