Study on Specilized Clinical Care Demand in Otolaryngology


  • Rafael Carbonell Sanchis
  • Francisco Pérez Climent
  • Felipe Giménez Vaillo
  • Isabel Lozano Blanco


Background: The specialized medical assistance Knowledge improved in hospitals since the introduction of Clinical Documentation Services, but hadly anything, is known about coutpatiente assistance, specially in Otolayngology. last quarter. we sampled 20 days of outpatient consult, Methods: In order to find out thi information, during 1992 last quarter, we sampled 20 days of outpacient consult, studying the following variables in patients visited: age. sex. diagnosis. diagnostic-therapeutic procedures and motives for hospital attention. Results: In the sample first visits are 63% and secon visits 37%. Only 7’5% of patients were sent to hospital and we refer the diagnosis cause. In 5’6% of cases we couldlnt establish any diagnosis. the 47% of cases presented otologic pathology and the rest 47’% belonged to rhinologic pathology. pharyngeal and laryngeal troubles. The frequency of diagnosis were diferent in age groups. In 25% of patients diagnostic-therapeutic procedures were done. Conclusions: This studi supplies us interesting information about the features of ENT outpatient assistance respect sex and age, more frequent diagnostics, procedures and causes for hospital attention.



