Present Regulation on Infant and Follow-on Formula


  • Rosario Angulo Lucena
  • María Cruz Gallego Domínguez
  • Antonio Bentabol Manzanares
  • Manuela Jodral Villarejo


BAckground: The comercialization of breast milk substitutes has had great economic transcendente, sometimes without considering the sanitary and nutritional consequences for the customer. The sanitary authorities have been implied in this matter both in the Intemational and European tields, issuing standards and regulations for the commercialization of breats milk substitutes which have been adopted by the Spanish Regulation. The aim of mis paper is comment the tegulations that affect foods for breats feeding and short age children. Methods: This report analyzes and comments on the contets of intemational, european and national regulation on infant and follow-on formula. Results: The regulations about Infant formula and Followon formula. banning the term of “humanized milk” and remarking the preferente for breast feeding, which could only be substituted by sanitary professionals. This regulation deals with the appropiate chemical composition of these products, qualitative and quantitative. It includes standards for correct labeling, which should contain the approiate information without idealizing the product. Drawings and pictures showing the correct preparation are allowed. lt provides for distribution and sales. as well as for correct advertising, which should be under control. This regulation also bans free samples and any other donation to particular customers oí sanitary institutions. Conclusions: The present regulation on “lnfant and Follow-on formulas” pursues the adequate nutrition of breast-feeding and short age children, beinf the protection of chis kind of customers everyone’s responsability.



