Epidemic Outbreak of Hepatitis B in Gypsy Families from Tattooing


  • Mª Rosario Pac
  • Alberto Arnedo
  • M. Dolores Montaner
  • Purificación Prieto
  • Juan García
  • Manuel Izuel
  • Pilar León
  • Juan Antonio López
  • José M. Echevarría


Background: To document an outbreak of Hepatitis B in a gypsy community in the Upper Aragón region, as well as the control measures adopted. Methods: Documented study of Hepatitis B cases and families, including an epldemiological survey and the determining of hepatitis B viral indicator (MVHB) using immunoenzymatic methods. Results 84.8% participation (39/45). During the nonths of February and March 1998, 5 cases of Hepatitis B were detected in a gypsy community in the Upper Aragon region ( 12.8% attack rate. 5/39), with an average age of 13.0 + 7.3. (4 women and one man). Four of the cases detected had previously undergone tatooing. The fifth case was due to direct transmission from mother to a recently born child. The MVHB study of famllies showed a further two cuses, MVHB date being 17.9 (7/39). Vaccinations were given to all persons susceptible to the disease. Conclusions: It is suggested that tatooing could be a signiticant factor to be considered in relation to the transmission of Hepatits B in gypsy communities. Due to the high rate of incidence of the diseae in this ethnic group. general vaccination is prescribed.



