Tabaccoism in Guadalajara Primary Medical Care Personnel


  • José A. Martínez Pérez
  • José Mª Alonso Gordo
  • Javier Arribas Aguirregaviria
  • Pilar Sánchez-Seco Higueras
  • Marta Cuesta
  • Raquel Provencio


Backgromd: Tobaccoism is one of the most important social and health problems that exlsts. Given the role of Health Profesionals as educators and thelr example within the community, this particular group of people are vital in preventing and controlling tobaccoism. The purpose of this study was to identify the number and type of smokers working as professianal health personnel in the Guadalajara Primary Medical Care Services, as well a their attitudes and knowledge in relation to the problem. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectlonal study was carried out by means of a survey of all Guadalajara Primary Medical. Care Personnell (doctors. nurses and other professionals) Data was compiled on social and demographic factors as well as the use of tobacco and awareness, attitudes and opinions results were then analysed according to age, sex. occupation, working environment and degree of addiction. Results: The rate of response was, 86.1%. 38.2% claimed to be smokers (34.9% men and 41,2% women). Single male doctors living in urban areas shoewd the lowest rate of tobaccism. The malority of smokers did so at work. however not in front of patients. 63.2% had tried to give up smoking. The main cause of failure was attributed to lack of willpower (45.9%). 79.7% of ex-smokers had given up the habit after diagnosis of a health problem or illness. With respect to awarenehss and attitude, it was the medical profession and not tobaccoism itself that provided the most effective informatlon and created less permissiveness in relation to the habit. Over 90% are in favour of initiating anti-smoking programs in Health Departments. Conclusions: A significant number of smokers in the sector was recorded, however attitudes towards the problem were positive.



