Cost-effectiveness Study of a Breast Cancer Prevention Program in Catalonia


  • Pedro Plans
  • Laura Casademont
  • Araceli Tarín
  • Encarna Navas


Background: This study has researched the cost-effectiveness of Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in Catalonian women in the 5O-64 age group. Methods: The cost-effectivess ratio was obtained by conparing the costs of a program for 100.000 women with results achieved. The program consisted of a twice yearly mammography on all of the women over a 10 year pertiod. The study assumed a partlclpation level of 70%. detection rate of 0.36%. 92% sensitivity and speciíicity of 94%. Results: A cost-effectiveness ratlo of 1.413.648 pesetas was determined per case of cancer detected. 705.489 per year of extended life and 783.932 per year of extended life adjusted according to quality. Cost-effectiveness of the test in the fìrst year was 842.400 per case »f cancer detected. 383.183 per year of extended life and 425.418 per year of extencled life adjusted according to quality. Conclusion: The results of thr study are consistent with those obtained by other evaluations and show that early dlagnosis of breast cancer is asscociated with a favourable cost-effectiveness ratio.



