Control of Arterial Hypertension in Spain, 1996


  • Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
  • Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial
  • Sociedad Española de Hipertensión


Arterial Hypertension remains a serious public health problem in Spain, given its high degree of prevalence (20% to 30% of individuals suffer from hypertension, the figure increasing with age) and contributes to the main cause of death in the country, that being cardiovascular disease. 15-20% of coronary caused deaths and 20-25% of cerebral vascular deaths of Spanish adults are attributed to arterial hypertension. The level of control, despite having improved, is still low (less than 30% of patients treated). Therapeutic observation does not exceed 50%. Costs are extremely high, close to 120,000 million pesetas per annum (pharmacological treatment comprising 1O-20% of the figure). Despite the progress achieved in recent years, the above mentioned figures justify the need to continue promoting and combine activities designed to deal with the problem, such as those referred to in this report. The report is directed to health professionals involved in arterial hypertension work and is intended to achieve greater levels of prevention and control of such a serious problem in Spain. A team of Spanish experts describe updated and consensual issues relating to the criteria deíining arterial hypertension in adults, children and pregnant women; refractory and accelerated/malignant hypertension and serious and emergency cases of hypertension; accurate measurement of blood pressure and measuring techniques (including MAPA); diagnosis and control of hypertension (highlighting the role of Primary Medical and Hospital Services); pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment objectives and programmes; hypertension considerations associated to special situations: as well as health education and patient compliance with therapy and bio-ethical, efectiveness, research and training issues.



