Meteorology and Health. Relationship between Environmental Temperature and Mortality


  • Ferran Ballester Díez


The results are presented of a series of recent works which analyse the relationships between meteorological phenomena. especially the temperature, and mortality. An increase in mortality in winter, is a well-known phenomenon which has been examined in many countries. The most common cause of death due to temperature changes is illness affecting the breathing apparatus and circulation system. The form and magnitude of the relationship between mortality and temperature depends on a series of factors, which include the characteristics of the population and the study zone. Not only the cold, but also «heat waves». have been associated with an increase in the mortality rate. The results of several works referred to suggest that the relationship between the atmospheric temperature and mortahty take the for of a «V», with the lowest rates occurring on days when the average temperature is between 16” and 28”, depending on the climate in the zone being studied. An important aspect to be taken into account. is the delayed effect of the variations in temperature upon mortality. This work also refers to the role that other meteorological factors such as dampness and wind might play with regard to health. Finally, constderation is given to the potential impact on health, of temperature increa\es owing to chmatic change.



