Navarre Institute for Occupational Health: an Experience in Collaboration between Health and Occupation Jurisdictions


  • Mariano Gallo Fernández


Background: Ever since 1986, when the first jurisdictional transfers took place from the State to Navarre in matters conceming occupational health and hygiene, the allocation of the different functions and means related to occupational health and the health structure has been an ongoing process. These activities were carried out from an overa11 health perspective, in the spirit of the General Health Act and the Local (Navarre) Health Act. Workers were viewed in a global way, no distinction being made between their work situation and the rest of their lives. That is why the Provincial Technical Bureau for Occupational Health and Hygiene was set up in 1986, followed by the Occupational Health Bureau, in 1988, as part of the Public Health Institute. The Navarre Occupational Heahh Institute: This was set up in 1993, under the responsibility of the Health Department. It incorporated the occupational health means which already existed in the Navarre Govemment. It was restructured in November 1995. The Departments of Health and Employment jointly control it, and collaboration between the two departments and other units, is the key factor. Conclusions: Experiences of over nine years, and especially the last three, have made it possible to guarantee that activities conceming occupational safety, hygiene and health do not depend to a greater or a lesser extent upon the spheres of either employment or health, but upon Public Administration in general, and the civil servants involved. Administrative coordination in such matters is of paramount importance.



