Conflicts and Ethical Guidance in the Realationship between Health and Work


  • Giovanni Berlinguer


In recent decades, the main morals that affect the relationships between human work, the economy and health, have often obtained clear and authorised definitions. However, scientific breakthroughs, market forces, civil and penal laws and the etbical codes of the health profession, do not provide updated answers to the ethical problems that arise in many aspects of modem work. This article develops severa1 types of conflict between interests and values. The conflict between the right to live, health and the safety of the workers, and the right of companies to «maximise» production. The conflicts that affect information: the rights of the workers to be aware of risks and hazards, the rights of the companies to industrial and commercial secrecy, the right and duties of professional experts. The conflicts between production and externa1 environment, between workers and the population. The conflicts between workers themselves, and finally, the conflicts between work, reproductive health and reproduction of life.



