Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Region of Murcia, Spain


  • María José Tormo Díaz
  • Carmen Navarro Sánchez
  • María Dolores Chirlaque López
  • Domingo Pérez Flores


Background: The Region of Murcia is an area, within the Spanish context, of high coronary and stroke mortality. Moreover, the trend in ischaemic heart disease mortality, decreasing for almost all geographical Spanish areas, has suffered in Murcia a slight increase during the period 1985-1991. In this study the population prevalences to different cardiovascular risk factors are evaluated. Methods: Survey of a random sample of adult population (aged 18-65) with a response rate of 61%. Standardised measurement of arterial blood pressure, obesity and serum lipids besides a questionnaire of tobacco consume, physical activity and diabetes. Presentation of standardised results for overall age groups and for the truncated 35-64 age group. The field work were from november 1991 to march 1993. Results: Tobacco smoking prevalence rises up to 54,4% in men and 31,3% in women. Figures for hypertension are less favourable in men (32,3% prevalence, 16,4% treatment, 2,6% hypertension control among all hypertensives, and 15,6% control among only treated hypertensives) that among women (23,7%, 34,3%, 9,5% y 27,8%, respectively). The average serum concentrations of cholesterol are low in both sexes, as high are the HDL-cholesterol concentrations. Mean Body Mass Index is 26,7 for both sexes, although women present wider variability in the measurements. The prevalence of self informed diabetes is around 3-4%. Conclusions: Comparing these figures, for the corresponding age groups,...



