The Degree to which all Existing Aids Cases are Officially reported in Catalunya: a Study Based on the Requests for CD4 White Blood Cell Counts and the Prescribing of Antitretroviral Drugs


  • Patricia García de Olalla Rizo
  • Martí Vall Mayans
  • Montserrat Miret Mases
  • Roser Clos Guix
  • Jordi Casabona Barbarà
  • Joan A. Caylà Buqueras


Background: To ascertain the degree to which AIDS is officially reported in Catalunya. Method: The request for T CD4+ white blood cell counts and the prescribing of antiretroviral drugs in seven university hospitals in Catalunya from January 1, 1994 to June 31, 1994 were used as data-comparison sources. A case was considered to not have been reported when the clinical history showed a diagnosis of AIDS (according to the Europe 93 definition) and the case in question did not show up on the AIDS Registry for Catalunya. Results: Of the 1,370 cases studied, 50 unreported AIDS cases were found. In all, 98.6% of all cases were found to have been reported, for a 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 98.2-99.0. Most of the unreported cases were males (72%) averaging 37.3 years of age (HCA: 11.8), 52% of whom were injected drug users (IDU’s), extrapulmonary tuberculosis being the disease most often diagnosed (16%), 81.4% having been found to have a T CD4+ white blood cell count of 200 WBC/mm3 or below. 92% of these cases were detected based on T CD4+ white blood cell counts. Conclusions: The degree of completeness found is considered to be adequate. It is recommended that the white blood cell count records being used for this type of studies.



