Media neutrality and pluralism in election campaigns: reform of the Spanish election law of 2011


  • Rosario García Mahamuy
  • Artemi Rallo Lombarte


Elections, mass media, pluralism, neutrality


Organic Act 2/2011 has reformed the Organic Act of the General Electoral Regime to assimilate the public and private media in the control of electoral information and/or with impact on the electoral process —and, in particular, in the organization of electoral debates—. Developping this new Act, the National Electoral Board Instruction (March 24, 2011) has introduced relevant developments affecting the scope and validity of information principles of the electoral process as equality, pluralism, neutrality, proportionality and compensation. The new public rules of private broadcasters and the imposition of specific formats to the public media has not been absent from legal and social controversy which will also be analysed in this paper. 

