A milestone in the European Union’s Parliamentary Law: The recast of the rules of procedure of the European Parliament of 13 December 2016


  • Sergio Alonso de León Letrado del Parlamento Europeo Doctor en Derecho




European Parliament, parliamentary law, Rules of Procedure, legislative procedure, institutional balance, political groups.


In the context of the absence of change in the constitutional order of the European Union since the Treaty of Lisbon, it has a particular interest to look at the changes in other instruments affecting the European institutions. The recast of the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament of December 2016, in view of its large scope and the importance of some of the changes, sets the focus on the still emerging parliamentary law of the Union. It also shows some of the developments in the institutional setup that may go unnoticed to those paying attention only at the changes in primary law. The new Rules of procedure clarify and simplify the role of Parliament as a legislator, but also reflect its aspirations for more influence vis-à-vis the executive, and incorporate some new elements. These aim at making parliamentary life of the Union more dynamic, at improving its image by setting additional obligations to its Members, and at strengthening the institutional position and internal balance of Parliament.



