The transformation of Frontex into the European Border and Coast Guard Agency: Towards a centralization in border management?


  • Juan Santos Vara



Frontex, European Border and Coast Guard, border management, EU agencies, search and rescue at sea, external relations of the EU agencies.


Even though the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) has significantly reinforced the tasks conferred upon the Agency Frontex, these innovations do not entail a real transformation of its legal nature. The changes introduced in the configuration of the Agency cannot be qualified as revolutionary but more as a natural evolution in the process initiated in 2004 with the creation of Frontex. Also, the Regulation on the EBCG constantly repeats that the main responsability for the management of the external borders falls to the Member States. The establishment of the EBCG and the expansion of the powers of the Agency have generated many expectations. The risk is that the EBCG would not live up to these expectations in the future and the failures of the EBCG could lead to more frustration in civil society, ultimately increasing the lack of credibility in the EU if it is incapable of delivering satisfactory solutions to the challenges in border management that it will face in the coming years.



