Sustainable use of natural resources in special areas of conservation (Sacs) of the European Union atura 2000 Network: An analysis of mining projects


  • Gabriel Ballesteros Pinilla Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino
  • Cristina Montes Chivite



Biodiversity, habitats directive, integrity of ZEC, ZEC, CBD, appropriate assessment, conservation objectives, Red Natura 2000, coherence, sustainable mining.


This paper presents a brief reflection on the concept of integrity of the Special Conservation Areas (SCA), as a substantial element in the proper evaluation procedure, which should follow any plan or project. This is the last filter by which promoters of activities in protected areas must pass. In order to define the integrity of the SAC, account must be taken of the context in which the projects are developed, the way in which they are established and the Habitats Directive, in accordance with the doctrinal and jurisprudential criteria which have interpreted it, as well as the considerations and analysis from the European Commission itself, with special reference to the interests at stake of the mining sector, as shown in this article. Finally, some sustainable mining practices that could be implemented in the SACs are presented, allowing socio-economic development compatible with the protection of the environment.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Ballesteros Pinilla, Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino

Profesor Universidad Santo Tomás, Seccional Bucaramanga. Profesor del Máster Interactivo en Derecho Ambiental de la Universidad del País Vasco. Lider del Grupo de Investigación Estado, Derecho y Políticas Públicas. Miembro del Observatorio de Política Ambientales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente de España-CIEDA-CEDAT. Doctor en Derecho Ambiental, Universidad del País Vasco. Máster en Derecho Administrativo, Universidad del País Vasco. Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad del País Vasco.

Cristina Montes Chivite

Abogada especializada en derecho administrativo. Máster en Derecho Medioambiental,
Universidad del País Vasco.



