The fight against trafficking in persons in the European Union: components for a particular policy


  • Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado


rafficking in persons and human rights. Fight against Smuggling of Migrants. Fight against transnational organized crime. Assistance and protection of the victims. European Union Regulations on trafficking in persons


The fight against trafficking in persons is one of the European Union’s aims and relevant progress in its regulation has been made for a while. Significant advances have been taking place in this area and they tend to create a more comprehensive and coherent legal framework on trafficking in persons. Thus, the human rights perspective is acquiring gradually more relevance in the adoption of measures to prevent and eradicate trafficking. The European Union regulations affect, increasingly, on the rights of the victims, as well as in their assistance and protection. Although human trafficking is included in the context of the fight against smuggling of migrants and transnational organized crime, its own and unique regulatory framework it’s been created. 

