Comentarios sobre la sentencia de la High Court of Justice. Business and property courts of England and Wales. commercial court (QBD), del día 29 de julio de 2022, en el caso del oro venezolano de Londres


  • Allan R. Brewer-Carias Universidad Central de Venezuela



This article analyzes the judicial processes that has been developed before the Courts of the United Kingdom, to determine who has the authority to give instructions on the Venezuelan international reserves in Gold deposited in the Bank of England, following the recognition by the British Government of Mr. Juan Guaidó as Interim President of Venezuela, and the consequent non recognition of Mr. Nicolás Maduro as such President. The British Courts, following the principle of «one voice», have recognized without discussion the validity of the acts dictated by Mr. Guaidó, and in addition, have denied the recognition of the judgments of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela annulling his acts, first of all for having been issued in audita parte in violation of natural justice principles (due process).

