El nuevo régimen de la prórroga extraordinaria de las concesiones de dominio público marítimo-terrestre


  • Ferran Pons Cànovas Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona




The extraordinary extension of the maritime-terrestrial public domain concessionsgranted before the Coastal Law of 1988, introduced by Law 2/2013 and developed by the General Coastal Regulation of 2014, was the antidote to the generalised extinction of said concessions scheduled for July 2018. However, its regulation contradicted the spirit and letter of the Coastal Law, which has conditioned its application and has generated contradictory court rulings. The unavoidable regulatory reform of this extension has been carried out through article 20 of Law 7/2021, of May 20, on Climate Change and Energy Transition and Royal Decree 668/2022, of August 1, modifying the General Coast Regulation. The purpose of this article isto explain and analyse this regulatory reform as well as several recent rulings on the matter.

