La responsabilidad patrimonial del estado legislador por su incumplimiento del derecho de la Unión Europea tras la intervención del Tribunal de Justicia


  • Edorta Cobreros Mendazona Universidad del País Vasco



The doubts that have been accompanying the system of patrimonial responsibility
of the State for its breach of Union Law continue, in some way, after the
judgment of June 28, 2022, of the Court of Justice of Luxembourg, which declares
Spain’s failure to comply by its legislation in the matter of patrimonial responsibility
of the legislator for the damages caused by laws contrary to the order of the European
Union. This sentence acquires great importance because it obliges to modify the regime
established in 2015 and, in the meantime, to adopt various measures (consistent
interpretation, non-application due to the primacy of the Union legal order...) which
are not easy to implement.

