Notas para una construcción dogmática de las relaciones interadministrativas.




inter-administrative relations, institutional loyalty, collaboration, cooperation, oordination.


In Spain, there is an absence of a general system of inter-administrative relations, as well as a true theoretical elaboration of such relations. This deficiency ballasts the appropriate functioning of the Autonomous Regions-model of government. In the light of the necessary interpretation of the Constitution, the existing categories in the domain of interadministrative relations shine as key-concepts of the Law on Organisation. As such, they work as principles and elements of the status of the public authorities and governmental units and they rule the way how those public bodies exercise their powers and competencies, something which, at the same time, transform the said principles into real governmental duties. Those theoretical categories in the domain of inter-administrative relations result in actual techniques for the structuring of the governmental organisation. They are justified by the wish to constraining the reach of the powers and competencies of a given governmental unit on the basis of the circle of interests managed by it, something which ends up in modulating the autonomy of the said governmental units. In this contribution we try to carry out a coherent determination of those techniques (collaboration, cooperation and coordination) and of the system of inter-administrative relations, from the perspective that they conform a mechanism for adjusting the exercise of different and several administrative competencies and, what is more, of the very allocation of such competences.

