Biometric characterization of Cordulegaster boltonii (Donovan, 1807) larvae in Sierra Nevada (Southeast of Iberian Peninsula).

Cordulegaster boltonii en Sierra Nevada


  • Ángel Romero Martín
  • Juan Diego Gilbert Rus Universidad de Jaén
  • Antonio Jesús Mópez Montoya
  • Francisco J Márquez


A biometric study has been carried out on a large set of Cordulegaster boltonii larvae from five water courses in the Sierra Nevada. For all larvae, the values of four biometric parameters have been measured: total length (TL), abdominal length (LA), head width (AC) and length of the right metathoracic pterotheca (LP). After making a comparison according to stage and sex of the four variables between larvae with different geographical origins, no notable differences have been detected for any of these parameters between the locations studied. From the data obtained, it is possible to determine the biometric pattern for the last four stages (F-3 to F-0) of this species in Sierra Nevada, also considering the sex of the specimens.





Research Paper