Canary Island tomato exports: A stable seasonal pattern?


  • Gloria Martín Rodríguez Dep. de Economía de las Instituciones, Estadística Económica y Econometría. U. Laguna
  • Víctor Javier Cano Fernández Dep. de Economía de las Instituciones, Estadística Económica y Econometría. U. Laguna
  • José Juan Cáceres Hernández Dep. de Economía de las Instituciones, Estadística Económica y Econometría. U. Laguna


Exportación de tomates, estacionalidad, raíces unitarias, modelos estructurales, outliers.


This paper studies the evolution of the weekly exports of Canary Island tomatoes after the entry of Spain in the European Union. A first analysis of deterministic components reveals their instability, clearly related to changes in the EU commercial regulations of access to European markets, and the presence of many outliers due to different reasons. These factors must be considered in the study of stochastic seasonality of the series. Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account the weekly frequency data and the existence of periods without exports in order to capture its behaviour and, in particular, the nature of its seasonal component.




