Multicriteria analysis of water management under the Water Framework Directive


  • P. Mesa Ayesa.
  • J. Martín-Ortega Dep. de Economía, Sociología y Política agrarias. U. de Córdoba
  • J. Berbel Dep. de Economía, Sociología y Política agrarias. U. de Córdob


Directiva Marco del Agua, gestión hídrica, método de Jerarquías Analíticas, multicriterio.


This work aims to contribute to the implementation of the WFD with regard to the selection of the measures for a sustainable and socially accepted water management. A multicriteria decision support exercise is applied to the Guadalquivir River Basin in order to test the applicability of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the new WFD context. A survey was carried out in the context of a future enlargement of La Breña reservoir (Córdoba). This analysis aims to obtain the public’s weight of the criteria in water management, in order to assess the legitimacy of the reservoir enlargement, as well as other management measures. Results suggest that the AHP is an adequate tool for the WFD purposes and a useful complement for the cost-effectiveness analysis.




