Models of urban naturalization and landscape preferences by citizens and municipal technicians in Latin America




Nature Based Solutions (NBS), Green Cities, Green Infraestructure, Greening


The purpose of the study was to know the opinion and preferences on 20 models of urban naturalization (Natur models). An online questionnaire was designed and applied to a sample of 57 municipal technicians and 358 citizens of Latin America. The results showed that the 20 Natur models proposed were widely accepted by both groups. However, some MNatur have had a low valuation probably due to the lack of knowledge of their environmental values. On the other hand, it is appreciated that perceived vegetation plays a significant role in landscape preferences. Both groups prefer more naturalized urban parks and street trees with pits covered with spontaneous vegetation. One of the conclusions is the importance of providing information and knowledge to citizens of the benefits that MNatur brings to the urban environment.


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How to Cite

De la Fuente-De Val, G. (2021). Models of urban naturalization and landscape preferences by citizens and municipal technicians in Latin America. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(211), 181–198.