Health services in Brasi: The public vs. private debate and the possibility of making these uniform throughout her cities


  • Ana Lucia Britto


Saneamiento, Brasil


The author speaks of how the new Brasilian public health policy is being received and identifies here three differing schools of thought on the issue. A first urges that these services come under the aegis of local city government authorities, a second that it should fall to the regional government to see to such matters with regard to the metropolitan areas and a third which holds that they should be farmed out to private iniative. The paper tries to chart out the conflicting options and then to analyse the consequences of their being adopted in terms of access to services for the less favoured urban communities.



How to Cite

Britto, A. L. (2005). Health services in Brasi: The public vs. private debate and the possibility of making these uniform throughout her cities. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 37(145-6), 693–706. Retrieved from