Glaciation limits in the easternmost part of the Cantabrian Mountains: Montes del Somo (Burgos-Cantabria, northern Spain)




Glaciarismo; Línea de equilibrio glaciar; Cordillera Cantábrica; Montes del Somo


New data about glacial extension in the eastern part of the Cantabrian Mountains (Montes del Somo) are presented. This area is located just to the west of the Valnera mountains. In this sector several glacial landforms, as moraines, allow to reconstruct past glacial extension. During the maximum advance, four glacial tongues 2.5 to 8.5 km long and up to 160 m thick were formed. In the Engaña valley four stages of moraines are present. Some landslides difficult glacial reconstructions in some valleys, as Peñanegra. The equilibrium line altitude was located at 1200-1260 m during the maximum glacial advance, a very similar value than in the Valnera mountains. This altitude is very low in the Iberian Peninsula context and, as has been pointed out in previous works, were probably related with very high precipitation values, as today occurs. Also, recent snow straiae has been observed at lower altitudes (1485 m) than in other snowpatches of the Cantabrian Mountains. The existence of glacial landforms in the southern slope of Montes del Somo contrast with its absence in the northern slope. This factor stands out the importance of the local topoclimatic factors on snow accumulation and glacial development.


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