Marine Isotope Stages: Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy


  • Teresa Bardají Azcárate Universidad de Alcalá, Departamento de Geología, Geografía y Medio Ambiente
  • Javier Lario Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)



Glacial-interglacial stages; Pleistocene; chronology; paleoclimate


Oxygen isotopic stratigraphy cannot be considered as a dating method by itself, requiring the comparison of our records with “global” isotopic sequences. The proportion of oxygen isotopes (O16, O18) in molecular compounds containing them (e.g. H2O, CaCO3) changes with temperature. The relation O18/O16 (δO18) can thus be used as a thermometer to infer past temperatures, and also to identify the changes in the ice-sheets configuration promoted by changes in orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, tilt). Alternation glacial to interglacial climates along the Quaternary is recorded in oceanic deep cores (CaCO3 from planktonic/benthonic organisms) allowing the definition of isotope stages by odd numbers (interglacials) and pair numbers (glacials). Isotopic scale acquires a chronostratigraphic value when age models are constructed based in isotopic dating (14C, U-series), paleomagnetism and mainly by astronomical tunning. The correlation between our records and these isotopic sequences allows to give them a chorological framework and interpreting the response in our latitude to global paleoclimatic variations.


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