Quaternary deposits mapping using drillhole data in the NNW of the Cordillera de Guaniguanico, Cuba


  • Pedro Benitez Instituto de Geologia y Paleontologia. Servicio Geologico de Cuba
  • Elmidio Estevez
  • Leandro Luis Peñalver Hernández




quaternary deposit, regolith, Cordillera de Guaniguanico, superficial deposit mapping, isopach map


Currently, it is imperative to study surface deposits, whether for economic, environmental or scientific purposes. This research aims at updating the map of quaternary deposits based on data from regional geological research drillholes, for which the complex interpretation of the drillholes logging was carried out. The methodology used consists of the following stages: literature review, analysis of the drillholes logging database, DTM processing, interpretation of regional maps (soils and gamma- spectrometry) and mapping of recent deposits. The digital elevation model was processed to derive the slope and landform maps, which together with the available map of Quaternary deposits, the soil map, the radioelement map and an in-depth analysis of the geomorphological and lithological conditions, allowed to determine the types of sediments present in the area. The thicknesses calculated in the drillholes that intercept the surface deposits were interpolated using the geostatistical method “Ordinary Kriging” to build the isopach map. The work demonstrated the usefulness of the processing and analysis of regional geological investigation drillholes to update Quaternary deposit maps and reveal the distribution pattern of its thicknesses. The study allowed to identify the following types of deposits: alluvial, eluvium-coluvium-proluvial, marine, marshy and terrigenous deposits formed by the Fm. Guane and a non-differentiable unit of the Guane and Guevara formations. The results obtained can be used for the prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, the search for new areas for the drilling of hydrological wells and environmental studies.


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