Dating techniques in Quaternary annually-laminated sediments. Examples from the Iberian Peninsula


  • Juan Pablo Corella Departamento de Medioambiente, CIEMAT. Av. Complutense 40, 28040 Madrid, España
  • Celia Martin-Puertas Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK



varves, laminated sediments, Iberian Peninsula, lakes, chronology


Annually-laminated (varved) sediments provide independent, high-resolution time scales based on annual-layer counts with age uncertainties lower than 5%. More than two hundred varved chronologies have been published during the last decades in both marine and lacustrine environments, mainly located in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the varved chronologies cover the last centuries or millennia, and only a few of them go back beyond the Holocene period. In the Iberian Peninsula, five Quaternary varved sequences have been identified, restricted to the Late Holocene. They are located in karstic systems from mediterranean regions and present biogenic varves. Floating varve chronologies (i.e., the laminations are not preserved from the top of the record) must be validated either by using independent dating techniques or known historical events as isochrones to link the varve chronology to the calendar time scale. Once calibrated, varve chronologies allow precise and reliable age-depth models, serving to develop detailed reconstructions of past environmental changes at high temporal resolution.


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