“Extreme chronologies”: Robust chronological models combining different dating methods; examples from the Iberian Peninsula


  • Ana Moreno Caballud IPE (CSIC)
  • Graciela Gil-Romera
  • Miguel Bartolomé
  • Blas Valero-Garcés
  • Penélope González-Sampériz




multi-method chronologies, glacier, paleolake, 14C, OSL, 210Pb


This work presents the challenge that often involves obtaining a good independent age model in a paleoenvironmental sequence by combining different methodologies and dating systems, with the complexity that this implies. Specifically, two examples have been selected from two very different paleoenvironmental archives, and very different chronologies, both obtained in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The record of El Cañizar de Villarquemado, a paleolake in Teruel province which covers the last 135,000 years of history, that is, the longest continuous continental sequence studied to date in the northern half of Iberia. In order to establish a robust and independent age model it was necessary to combine radiocarbon, U-Th, OSL, IRSL, paleomagnetism and cryptotephro-chronology methods, although not all techniques were successful. The second example focuses on the challenge of dating the ice present in the iconic Monte Perdido glacier, located in the Central Pyrenees, Huesca. Its chronology was achieved by radiocarbon dating in different types of samples and applying the 210Pb and 137Cs techniques for the most recent period. In both examples, the combination of methods and type of dated samples allowed obtaining robust chronologies after a significant effort of time and funding, as well as the collaboration of various research teams and laboratories. In this work, the difficulties existing for using different dating methods in the elaboration of a chronology are outlined and the final results, using different types of chronological modeling combining the different approaches to obtain the definitive age models are also presented.


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