Chronofunctions: statistical modelling of numerical date-sets in Quaternary Research: Examples for the Iberian Peninsula
Dating, Cumulative Frequency Functions, Probability Functions, Statistical Regressions, Fluvial terraces, Sediment, Soils, QuaternaryAbstract
The present work analyses the use of mathematical functions for the establishment of theoretical chronological frameworks for the analysis of different processes during the Quaternary period. The progressive increase of dating by different methods (14C, TL, OSL, ESR, TH/U, Cosmogenic, etc.) of archaeological sites, sediments, and landforms (e.g., fluvial terraces) makes possible the development of more and more precise geochronological functions. Among the most used are 14C date probability distribution functions (SPD and SPDR), cumulative frequency functions and regression functions (linear, power, logarithmic and polynomial). In this work we focus on the last two, indicating their increasing usefulness for the determination of sedimentation periods, erosion, soil formation and their comparison with paleoclimatic curves derived from isotopic analysis (e.g., 18O), as well as the use of logarithmic and polynomial regressions of different orders for the establishment of chronological frameworks for the evolution of fluvial valleys according to the relative height of their terrace systems.
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