Six thousand years of management and anthropic dynamics in Collados del Asón Natural Park (Eastern Cantabrian Range)


  • Sebastián Pérez Díaz Instituto de Historia, CSIC
  • Sara Nuñez de la Fuente Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria
  • Manuel Frochoso Sánchez Universidad de Cantabria
  • Raquel González Pellejero Universidad de Cantabria
  • Fernando Allende Álvarez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • José Antonio López Sáez Instituto de Historia, CSIC



Palynological analysis, Human impact, Vegetation history, Holocene, Northern Iberian Peninsula


The knowledge about the evolution of the mountain areas is a very interesting issue from the palaeoenvironmental stand point, but also from the archaeological view in relation with human occupations. In this paper we analyze the composition and evolution of the vegetation of the peat bog of Sotombo, located in the vicinity of the Collados del Asón Natural Park (Cantabria) over the last 6000 years, through the study of pollens, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs, with the support of 8 AMS radiocarbon dates. The main results point the dominance of deciduous forests with pines between ca. 5926-2418 cal BP. From this moment is clearly evident the anthropogenic activities, in contemporary to the expansion of the beech forests. Subsequently (from ca. 596 cal BP) starts the development of mountain meadows, that dominate the current landscape.

Author Biographies

Sebastián Pérez Díaz , Instituto de Historia, CSIC

Doctor Contratado Programa Juan de la Cierva

Sara Nuñez de la Fuente , Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria

Investigadora pre-doctoral

Manuel Frochoso Sánchez , Universidad de Cantabria

Profesor Titular

Raquel González Pellejero , Universidad de Cantabria

Profesor Titular

Fernando Allende Álvarez , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Titular

José Antonio López Sáez , Instituto de Historia, CSIC

Científico titular


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