Geomorphological processes on coastal mediterranean flood plains and lagoons. Environmental change in historical times in the Albufera of Valencia (Spain)


  • Pilar Carmona Universidad de Valencia
  • Jose Miguel Ruiz


Flood plain, Coastal lagoon, Holocene, Environmental change, Mediterranean sea


Geomorphological processes and recent environmental changes in the northwestern margin of the coastal lagoon of the Albufera of Valencia in the Spanish Mediterranean coast are analyzed. Georeferenced historical maps (XVIII and XIX), Lidar altimetry (MDT) and a photomosaic (orthophoto) of 1957, have allowed characterization of a geomorphological model composed of various fluvial and coastal lagoons sub-environments: marshes, lagoons, deltas, flood basins, flood plains and fluvial levees. Data on the evolution of the perimeter of the lagoon (300 last years) and on the transformation of the lacustrine environment in a floodplain are reported. The geomorphological processes are related to lagoonal delta progradation and accretion of alluvial levees on the edge of the lagoon. These proceses determine a progressive evolution towards continentalization. Change starts with the compartmentation of the lagoon in topographically depressed areas (flood basins) with different degrees of siltation. This process produces the emergence of a diversity of transitional wetlands. Two 14C datings obtained in surveys allow to state that the lagoon was brackish to 1060-920 and 960-760 cal years BP. Finally this work confirms that the process of change from the medieval brackish albufera in a freshwater lagoon may be related to climatic fluctuations during the Little Ice Age and land use changes.


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