Archaeological evidence of traumatic collapse of walls in the Maritime Baths of Baelo Claudia. Archaeoseismological thoughts
Baelo Claudia, Late Roman times, Modern Era, Roman Baths, potential earthquakesAbstract
From 2011 to 2013 have been located, identified and partially excavated the remains of a new thermal complex in the roman city of Baelo Claudia (Tarifa, Cádiz), located in the Western suburbium of the city, next to the coast line. These so called Maritime Baths were built in the first half of the century II c. AD, and abandoned during Diocletian/Constantine times. They have been excavated stratigraphically in detail, having detected the existence of previous phases (dating back to the II c. BC) and the continuity of use of the environment during the Late Roman and Modern era, linked to the exploitation of marine resources.
Unique has been the finding of the traumatic collapse of part of the walls of the rooms in the building at two specific moments: on one hand in Late Antiquity (500 AD circa), where a wall of one of the rooms (H-3), annexed to the natatio, was located completely collapsed on the floor, completely connected; and for another, the collapse of the west wall of the natatio and the eastern one of the cistern, built structures of more than six meters length and four minimum height (M-12), fallen down over the abandonment levels of the settlement dated in dated in late middle ages or modern times (XIV-XV c. AD). It is on both occasions an unusual structural collapse in normal archaeological sedimentation processes, so it is very likely that its collapse can be linked to seismic events or other similar natural disasters.References
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