Geographical and institutional distribution of scientific production on water erosion in Spain (1955-2004)


  • Carlos Añó Vidal Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación
  • Juan Sánchez Díaz Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CSIC)


Water erosion, bibliographic database, scientific production, bibliometric indicators, Spain


The primary aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific literature of soil erosion research in Spain by means of bibliometric indicators. The period under consideration runs from 1955 to 2004, representing a total of 1861 works published in national (522 references) and international (419) journals, national (352) and international (105) conferences proceedings, book chapters (288), books (82), doctoral thesis (63) and other documents (30). Bibliographic information was collected from Bib-Eron, a bibliographic database on soil erosion. The analysis was based on the scientific documents encoded in the database. Bibliometric indicators have been employed in order to establish the geographical distribution of scientific production, institutional affiliation of authors, institutional productivity and interinstitutional collaboration. The spatial distribution shows that
five autonomous regions (Comunidad Valenciana, Andalucía, Región de Murcia, Cataluña and Aragon) account
for 75% of the scientific documents published. The interprovincial distribution is very uneven. This distribution is conditioned by the location of the most productive research centres and the location of the experimental stations financed by the RESEL Network. The scientific production is distributed among more than 100 departments of 47 Spanish universities, 95 research units or departments of foreign universities, 14 CSIC research institutes, 5 joint research centres between the CSIC and Spanish universities and more than 40 organisms of public administration. Spanish universities constitute the most potent source of scientific production. CSIC research institutes form the second institutional group in quantitative importance. About 67%
of the publications are written by authors from the same institution.

Author Biographies

Carlos Añó Vidal , Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación

Planificación Territorial

Juan Sánchez Díaz , Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CSIC)

Planificación Territorial


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Reasearch Papers