Morphometry of the Avilés river basin, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Contribution to runoff knowledge in semiarid lands


  • Verónica Gil Departamento de Geografía y Turismo - Universidad Nacional del Sur- CONICET, San Juan 1198, 8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
  • Diego Quiroga Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas - CONICET. B. Houssay 200, 9410, Ushuaia, Argentina.
  • Andrea Coronato Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas - CONICET. B. Houssay 200, 9410, Ushuaia, Argentina. Instituto de Ciencias Polares, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente-Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Onas 450, 9410, Ushuaia, Argentina.



morphometry, basin, water availability, Avilés river, Argentina


Morphometric characteristics of a river located in a semiarid cold steppe with few hydrological and meteorological data are analysed. Parameters and indices obtained offer an approach to the fluvial dynamics knowledge of the Avilés river basin in northern Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. A 1:50,000 base map was made using Google Earth® images and the SRTM 90 (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) terrain model. The data base was processed by ArcGis 10®. All the channel segments were digitalized, most of them following the vertex of the contour lines, and then were ordered by Strahler (1964) method. Geological and geomorphological basin characteristics are given by Rr, R, Rb, Ish y Dd index meanwhile runoff and water availability are offered by Rl, Re, If, Ct, C, Ca index.  The results herein presented allow inferring possible runoff behaviour in the different parts of the basin although no hydrological data are available.  The information would be also useful for water management in areas whit extensive livestock raising.

Author Biographies

Verónica Gil , Departamento de Geografía y Turismo - Universidad Nacional del Sur- CONICET, San Juan 1198, 8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

Profesora Adjunta del Departamento de Geografía y Turismo, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)

Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Diego Quiroga , Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas - CONICET. B. Houssay 200, 9410, Ushuaia, Argentina.

Becario de doctorado del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET)


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