A review on oriented fall structures (Earthquake Archaeological Effect, EAE) induced by instrumental earthquakes


  • Jorge Luis Giner-Robles Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Raúl Pérez-López
  • Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Pascua
  • Pablo Gabriel Silva
  • Fidel Martín-González
  • E Rodríguez-Escudero


earthquake archaeological effects (EAEs), oriented fall structures, Christchurch earthquakes, Lorca earthquake, Emilia Romagna earthquakes


Oriented fallen structures (e.g. columns, obelisks) at archaeological sites have been used as an indicator of seismic damage. However, their interpretation is controversial, especially in relation to the influence of the intrinsic features of the structures on the recorded damage (e.g. orientation, construction quality, conservation). In this paper we analyze oriented fallen structures associated with three instrumental seismic series, with intensities ≥ VII EMS: Lorca earthquake, Spain (05/11/ 2011); Christchurch seismic sequences, New Zealand (09/04/2010 and 02/22/2011) and Emilia Romagna Earthquakes, Italy (05/20/2012 and 05/29/2012). Quantitative data obtained in this study reveal the consistency of the orientations of the collapsed structures in relation to the epicenter locations, regardless of their age, type and conservation degree. Seismic shocks related to near-field earthquakes seem to produce falls with consistent orientations in relation with dominant directionality of ground motion. Nonetheless, in the case of archaeological sites other possible causes have to be considered to assess the possible seismic origin of the damaged structures.

Author Biography

Jorge Luis Giner-Robles , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Departamento de Geología y Geoquímica


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