Flood hazard characterization in the Guadalete estuary: combined effect of the tide and the river flow


  • Tomás Fernández Montblanc Universidad de Cádiz
  • Javier Benavente Universidad de Cádiz
  • Theocharis A. Plomaritis Universidad de Cádiz


flooding, estuary, joint coastal extremes, astronomic tide, storm surge, hydrodynamic model


In the present paper flooding of the Guadalete river estuary (Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz) is analysed. The methodology applied allows to consider joint action of river flood flows, astronomical tide and storm surge dimenextreme level. A hydraulic model has been implemented in the estuary, in order to estimate the relative importance of the two processes separately. Three cases were simulated following this methodology, two realextreme events occurred during winter season of 2009/2010 (EV1 y EV2), as well as a hypothetical scenario, a extreme event with low probability associated (EVX). Although results should be assumed with caution, there are not enough data to calibrate the model, result show the flooding modulation caused by storm surge and tide, even in the estuary header. In extreme events simulated EV1 and EV2, overflow does not occur in the channel, therefore the flood does not occur. In the case of simulated scenario EVX, flooded area in the estuary overflow occur in the channel, affecting infrastructure and salt production areas. The study has pointed some weaknesses in the methodology proposal; deficiencies in hydrological and space data associated with floods; and gaps in our knowledge of the joint probability of flood flow river and sea level rise caused by storm surge, when this are dependent phenomena.


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