Spatio-temporal distribution of rockfalls in the Montserrat Mountain (Catalonia, Spain)


  • M.J. Royán
  • J.M. Vilaplana


rockfall, rockfall indicators, spatio‐temporal analysis, Montserrat Mountain


The Montserrat Mountain is affected by rockfalls. These rockfalls are an important danger for all the exposed structures on the mountain. Among them we find the Monserrat Monastery and its access road and railway. In this study the spatial and temporal distribution of the rockfalls in the mountain are analyzed from the identification of indicators of previous rockfalls (as scree slopes and talus cones, fallen blocks of more than 3 m3 and trajectories) in aerial photographs and orthophotos taken in different years (1978, 1992, 2009). On the one hand, the spatial analysis results show that there are certain sectors of the mountain with a clear high impact, while there are others with a nearly no impact, and therefore the distribution of danger on the mountain is quite heterogeneous. On the other hand, the temporal analysis results show that the number of rockfalls has increased over the past two decades.





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