The alluvial plain sedimentary features of the Guadalquivir River at the Cartuja of Seville Monastery area
C. Moreno
Universidad de Sevilla
M. Cantano
Universidad de Huelva
Río Guadalquivir, Inundaciones, Isla de la Cartuja
It is analyed influence of the Guadalquivir river dynamic over the Isla de la Cartuja, area where is placed the Cartuja of Seville Monastery, during fifteenth century. Seville-Isla de la Cartuja area is located in alluvial floodplain of the Guadalquivir River, then, floods were common events in this region. Nevertheless, from a town-planning viewpoint, Isla de la Cartuja is optimally located, in relation other nearby villages, because here, depositional and erosive processes related with dynamic of the river were balanced. Thus, only the biggest overflows flooded Monastery of Cartuja which, in spite of its proximity to the channel, needed the devasting contributions from adjacent tributaries and of runoff water to flood the monastery area.