Occurence of glacier-ice in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Cordillera). Jou Negro glacieret


  • V. Alonso Universidad de Oviedo
  • J.J. González-Suárez Federación Asturiana de Espeleología


Heleros, Glaciares de circo, Pequeña Edad del Hielo, Picos de Europa, Cordillera Cantábrica


The Cordillera Cantábrica, close to th sea and with frequent altitudes around 2000 m, developed numerous glaciers of different types (cirque glaciers, valley glaciers and small plateaus) during cold stages of Pleistocene times. Until recently, it was admitted that glacier ice that originated the characteristic landscape of the higher areas of this cordillera had already disappeared. The only glaciers in the Iberian Peninsula, although of small dimensions, were located in the Pyrinees. Recent meteorological conditions have made it possible the partial exposure of a small ice body, located in the Macizo Central of Picos de Europa. A previous observation was made in 1992, and a more detalled one in 1995, when ice was totally exposed, what allowed its recognition and the establishment of survey plans for the future. Later, in 1997, other smaller glacierets were observed in favourable positions of the Macizos Central and Occidental, confirming previous hypothesis.





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