The effect of climate on overland flow: laboratory rainfall simulation experiments


  • A. Cerdà Universitat de València
  • P. Sarah Bar-Ilan University


Clima, Escorrentía superficial, Encharcamiento, Lluvia Simulada en Laboratorio


Eight sites were selected in Israel -from the Dead Sea (100 mm) to the Galilee Mountains (900 mm)- for the study of the effect of climate on overland flow generation. Time to ponding, to overland flow generation, and to overland flow contribution as well as soil moisture, percolation and overland flow yield were recorded for each site at three plots were soil was placed. The results show a clear influence of climate on overland flow. The response to rain was quick, and ovend flow coefficient was high in the arid sites (< 400 mm y-1). In contrast, ponding and overland flow either failed to occur or were very delayed and overland flow coefficients were very low in the experiments with soils from the humid sites (> 500 mm y-1).





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