Annual pattern of sediment dynamics in a Mediterranean tidal saltmarsh


  • E.M. Castellanos Universidad de Huelva
  • F.J. Nieva Universidad de Sevilla
  • C.J. Luque Universidad de Sevilla
  • M.E. Figueroa Universidad de Sevilla


acreción, erosión, clima mediterráneo, colonizadores primarios, Spartina maritima


We have found a seasonal pattern operating on the lower areas of a tidal marsh, in relation to the characteristicannual distribution of the rainfall in a Mediterranean climate which induces changes in river flows and in quantity and distribution of loam sediments entering the estuary. Also, the presence of vegetation (S. maritima) favours the accretion rate and the sediment stabilization. Bare muds record the maximum values of accretion during Spring and early Summer. Autumn rainfalls increase the river flow what means a new input of sediments and the movilization of the old ones from the bare muds; the vegetation raises the maximum biomass and it traps and stabilizes these sediments.





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