Cultural dynamics in the upper pleistocene of the coast of Málaga


  • M. Cortés Universidad de Córdoba
  • J.L. Sanchidrián Universidad de Córdoba


Costa de Málaga, Pleistoceno Superior, Paleolítico Medio, Paleolítico Superior, Arte rupestre


The level of knowledge of the population process of the litoral border of the province of Malaga during the Upper and Middle Paleolithic is presented. The fourteen archeological sites located up to this moment are revised. These yield Mousterian cultural vestiges in five sites, initial Upper Paleolithic in three, Solutrean in another five, ones Magdalenian in six and Epipaleolithic in other three, ones next to five sites with parietal artistic manifestations are also reported. The conservation of this ensemble and the reduced geographical amplitude where they are located allow the undertaking of a global analisis within the context of the regional Upper Pleistocene. In addition, it is possible to sketch the more important cultural lines of the Paleolithic of the Bay of Malaga.Those data regarding environmental evolution are also studied, inset on we will deal the socio-economic dinamics, and in the simbolic section, the Solutrean and Magdalenian «sanctuaries». With regard to the cultural sequence it is possible to structure a sequence basically similar to those proposed for the central sector of the peninsular Mediterranean coast.





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