Sedimentary evolution of the La Janda Lake (Cádiz) during the Holocene


  • L. Luque Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
  • C. Zazo Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC
  • J.M. Recio Universidad de Córdoba
  • M.A. Dueñas Universidad de Córdoba
  • J.L. Goy Universidad de Salamanca
  • J. Lario Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
  • F.M. González-Hernández Universidad de Salamanca
  • C.J. Dabrio Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • A. González-Delgado Universidad de Salamanca


Ambiente estuarino, sondeo, datación 14C, clima, Holoceno, Cádiz


The study of a log (JAN99-1) carried out in the filling deposits of La Janda Depression (Cádiz) throw new information about the more recent Holocene evolution of this ancient lacustrine environment. After the last transgressive maximum (Flandrian: 6500 yr BP) the depression was occupied by the sea through the Vejer-Barbate trough. From at least 3800 a BP the depression was eventually filled promoting the end of sea-connection and giving place to alluvial sedimentation. Only during the recentmost times the lacustrine environment is developed.





Reasearch Papers