According of new data obtained by various researches, related to elucidate paleoclimatic variations during cuban Quaternary as well as to contribute with the new Cuban Stratigraphic Lexicon , some changes were introduced on the stratigraphic column of quaternary deposits of Cuba . There are two new carbonate litoestratigraphic units: Alegrías and Guillermo formations. It was also named as a formation the informal term Brecha Salado. Also La Cabaña formacion now contains what some authors considered the Upper Jaimanitas. Two formations werw not accepted: Cayo Piedras and Punta del Este and various members of the farmer formation. The present authors establish at least two stages: one transgressive and other regressive , during Wisconsin represented by La Cabaña and El Salado units.
The great knowledge of stratigraphy and its analysis permits to consider that among the three analyzed hypothesis around climatic changes in Cuba, like:coincidence glaciation-aridite, existence of pluvial periods y existence two pleistocens, the only that is geologically argumented is that to establish the existence of wet Pleistocene (age pre-Jaimanitas Formation ) and a dry Pleistocene (post-Jaimanitas Formation).