Characterisation of litoral cells in an apparently homogeneous coastal sector near Cadiz (SW Spain)


  • G. Anfuso Universidad de Cádiz


playa, celda, transporte litoral, Cádiz


Littoral cells distribution was reconstructed in an apparently homogeneous coastal sector in Cádiz, through a two-year beach topographic monitoring program. Interaction between wave fronts and natural or human structures determines coastal division into littoral cells, “basic” units in which littoral can be divided. Sediments migrate inside a cell or pass from one cell to another, according to wave approaching angle. In this way, the knowledge of cell distribution is fundamental to the understanding of littoral transport and the prediction of beach behaviour at mediumlarge temporal scale. Six main littoral cells were found out in the study coast. These cells are limited by rocky-shore platforms, well developed in the nearshore and in the low and middle foreshore, and by two groins located in the extremities of the study area. These limits are “fixed”, while other limits are “free” because they change their position according to wave characteristics and, for this reason, it is difficult to individuate them.





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